Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To: Getting Awesome Abs

Ok, so the question that both men and women ask me most often is " What do I need to do to get really great abs?". Well, first you have to watch TV at about 2am and you are going to need a credit card, impaired judgement and.... Actually that is not true at all but we have all been there:)

There are two essential elements to great abs that don't involve crunches or equipment at all and there are a clean healthy diet and cardio. When your body fat is in a healthy range there will not be excess fat covering in abdominal muscles so then you can see the definition in your abs. Eating well and doing cardio are great ways to get your body fat in a healthy range. Then adding strength training, including ab exercises, to your workout routine will strengthen the muscles and ,bonus, keep your body fat percentage within a healthy range.

The third element to great abs is actually strengthening the muscles in the core. This can be done with pilates exercises, yoga as well as traditional abdominal moves. Stay tuned for a Dorm Room Workout Series abdominal video for some exercise ideas.

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