Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Simple Shopping Tips

School has started and whether you're living in a dorm, sharing a house or living on your own you're going to have to start grocery your onesies. Here's a quick tip to make it easier to fill your cart with healthy foods, 'cause after all, if you don't buy the not-so-good-for-you-stuff , you can't eat it. (Unless your roommate buys it, but that's for another post:)
  • Shop the perimeter of the grocery store! Fresh produce, lean meats and frozen fruits and veggies are usually found on the outside aisles of the store. Fill most of your cart with stuff from around the outside and shop the inside aisles (where foods with more preservatives are usually kept) sparingly. Try it out and you'll get home with plenty of foods for healthy meals and snacks!

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